24 May 2014

This world is but a canvas to our imagination...

  1. Describe the watercolour above and explain why you like (or do not like) it.
  2. Who was Romanin?
  3. What did Jacques Martel mean by: "ce qui est le plus voyant demeure le plus invisible..."?
  4. What other World War II leaders were also amateur artists?

Banquet démocratique
"C’est le buste de Platon, celui qui a fait Le Banquet."
"Vous faites bien de m’en parler, je dirai quelques mots dans mon discours pour le féliciter. Son canard aux navets est vraiment réussi."

  1. Translate the dialogue of the (1920s?) editorial cartoon by Romanin above.
  2. Describe and comment the cartoon.
  3. Translate the dialogue of the 1917 editorial cartoon by Romanin below.
  4. Describe and comment the cartoon.

À la curée
Aigle: « Au secours, ma chère colombe ! »
Colombe: « Ouais ? Et qui m’a coupé les ailes il y a trois ans ?! »

08 May 2014

Zoom in on the future of comic strips!

Article from The Guardian
Zoom website

  1. Who is Zoom?
  2. What is The Zoom?
  3. Who is Boris Johnson?
  4. Who was top of the Vogue 2013 Hot List?
  5. Who lives at 10 Downing Street?
  6. Which is your favourite sitcom?
  7. What would you have preferred your forename to be?
  8. What is the Beano?
  9. What is your favourite comic book (describe why you like it so much: characters, stories, art work, etc.)?
  10. Do you like to draw and/or write stories?